is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries of South
America, help us to take care of it, organize and travel in a responsible
- When are you planning your trip, choose those providers that offer guarantees of quality and respect for human rights and the environment.
- Also make sure that the companies that you hire during your trip are formal and established; because it means that they pay taxes and this support the growth and development of the country.
- Plan your route to minimize carbon emissions - travel by train or public bus where it is possible, minimize internal flights.
- Ask to your Giardino agent for different options.
Before your trip starts.
- Read about local cultures and learn a few words of the local language - traveling with respect earns you respect.
- Remove all excess packaging - waste disposal is difficult in remote places like Valleys, rivers or traditional towns.
- Take to your trip rechargeable batteries for camera or other electronic devices; if not, please return the old batteries to your country. In Peru battery recycling is difficult and in many places almost impossible.
- Ask Giartdino Tour operator for specific tips for responsible travel in your destination.
During your trip.
- Take tours where you know that hire a local guide - you'll discover more about local culture and lives, and they will earn an income.
- Remeber that "cheap" does not means "quality and fair prices" in many cases you are supporting informality or abuse of employes and providers.
- Do not buy products made from endangered species, hard woods, or ancient remains or artefacts.
- Respect local cultures, traditions and holy places - if you have a doubt ask for advice or don't visit.
- Hire a bike or walk when convenient - its a great way to meet local people on their terms and reduce pollution and carbon emissions
- Use water sparingly - its very precious in many regions and tourists tend to use more than local people.
- Try to minimize waste generation. They are a source of contamination.
- If you walk in a natural area, make sure that the only trace that you left behind is your "footprint".
- If you are interested in taking part in social supports, Giardino Tour Operator works together, in different actions and activities, with the children's house “Hogar de Cristo – Arequipa” a non-profit organization that help and support poor children who work on the streets. Consult with us the different ways to participate.
- Remember that local people have different ways of thinking and concepts of time, this just makes them different, But is nothing wrong with that - cultivate the habit of asking questions. Be a curious and deep traveler, and take the advantages of this rich experience in Peru.
- When you buy gifts and souvenirs look for products that are expressions of local culture. This promote the economy of the people and their cultural diversity.
- Try to contribute during your trip with your presence to the development of responsible and sustainable tourism for a healthier planet and solidarity.
When you get back
- Write to your tour operator or hotel with any comments or feedback about your holiday, and especially include any suggestions on reducing environmental impacts and increasing benefits to local communities.
- If you've promised to send pictures or gifts to local people remember to do so!
"Every time I have some moment on a seashore, or in the
mountains, or sometimes in a quiet forest, I think this is why the environment has
to be preserved"
Bill Bradley.
Giardino Activities: